Photo by: Ryan Collerd
Saturday, October 7th
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thank you to everyone who signed up to volunteer! Unfortunately with rain in the forecast, we have canceled the Site Work Day. Please be on the lookout for future Volunteer Opportunities at The Woodlands!
Volunteer at The Woodlands, today and everyday. Join volunteers for a variety of tasks to spruce up the grounds for the busy schedule of October events. Projects may include: removing vines from shrubs and headstones, collecting sticks and branches from the lawn areas, and picking up trash along Woodland Ave.
What you’ll need: Your own work gloves and water (remember to stay hydrated!)
What The Woodlands will provide: Larger tools, guidance, and a full to-do list
Rather work on your own schedule? Here are jobs you can do on your own throughout the week:
Pick up trash and deposit it in our dumpster (located in the carriage yard, next to the stable)
Pick up sticks from throughout the cemetery and pile them along the roads.
Audience: Woodlands enthusiasts willing to bend, lift, carry, etc.
What to Bring: bring your own work gloves and water.
Accessibility: Check out our Accessibility Information for details on entering the cemetery, navigating the landscape, restrooms, building access, and more.
Directions: The Woodlands is located at 4000 Woodland Avenue, directly across from the 40th Street Trolley Portal. Plan to meet at the Stable.
Parking: Please consider walking, biking, or taking public transit. Parking is available on the paved roads. Please park against the curb, leaving enough room for another vehicle to pass by.
Rain Date: In the event of inclement weather, this event will be cancelled. Please plan to join us for our next Site Work Day on Saturday, November 11th.
Rules & Safety: In order for The Woodlands’ gates to continue to be opened daily, the site’s rules and safety guidelines must be followed at all times.
This event is hosted by The Woodlands.