Introducing The Woodlands Arboretum and Tree Finder
For the first time, the over 1,000 trees living in the 54 acre Woodlands are listed in a public inventory. The Woodlands Tree Finder below is a tool to be used on site or at home. Trees are searchable by species, common name, inventory tree tag number, and by location. To help navigate this new system, helpful hints for first time users can be found by clicking here.
Your support of The Woodlands Tree Fund helps us grow and nurture our tree and shrub collection. Keeping a tree or shrub healthy for decades (or centuries) takes time, intention, and care, starting with the purchase of high quality trees for planting, to the clean up of unforeseen storm damage, and all stages of life in between. Learn more about our goals for our trees this season and help support our oldest living monuments.
© 2024 The Woodlands
4000 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104